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Jiangyin Lvyuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.


Please read the ingredients table carefully when selecting a toothpaste

Times: Date: 2019/10/9 14:01:55

Whitening toothpaste, anti-mite toothpaste... There are all kinds of toothpaste on the market, which is dazzling. When you buy, some eye-catching slogans are even more embarrassing. In fact, no matter what the name is, the ingredients are an important factor in determining whether toothpaste is suitable for you.

The teeth are yellow and look for "silicone." Whitening toothpaste contains a small amount of corrosive agent to help polish the teeth and prevent the formation of tooth stains, but the effect on the "old yellow teeth" is not obvious. Experts suggest that if you want a better whitening effect, you can choose a toothpaste containing silicone. This silicon has a good wear coefficient, not only able to reduce the wear of the teeth but also to whiten your teeth.

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