Welcome to the Jiangyin Lvyuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. official website! 中文·EN

Jiangyin Lvyuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.


Clients Project name Main supporting equipment
1 New toothpaste factory
6 sets of ZG1300 paste machine and auxiliary equipment
2 sets of ZG1300 paste machine
Powder and liquid conveying system
2 Second phase transformation
4 DZG1500 paste machine and auxiliary equipment
Powder and liquid conveying system
Third phase transformation 2 sets of DZG1000 paste machine and auxiliary equipment
3 Toothpaste re-election
2 sets of DZG3000 paste machine and auxiliary equipment
3 sets of DZG1500 paste machine
DZG1000 paste machine and auxiliary equipment
Powder and liquid conveying system
4 Toothpaste project
2 sets of ZG1300 paste machine and auxiliary equipment
3 sets of ZG700 paste machine and auxiliary equipment
Powder and liquid conveying system
5 Toothpaste project
2 sets of DZG1500paste machine and auxiliary equipment
Powder and liquid conveying system
6 Toothpaste transformation
2 sets of ZG1300paste machine and auxiliary equipment
2 sets of ZG700paste machine and auxiliary equipment
Powder and liquid conveying system
7 150 million toothpaste projects
4 sets of ZG1500 paste machine and auxiliary equipment
Powder and liquid conveying system
8 Toothpaste engineering
DZG1000 paste machine
ZG700 paste machine
ZG100 paste machine
9 Toothpaste engineering
2 sets of DZG1500 paste machine and auxiliary equipment
Powder and liquid conveying system
10 Ointment project
YRH1500 paste machine
YRH1000 paste machine
YRH500 paste machine
11 Ointment project
800L paste machine
ZRH700 paste machine
ZRH700 emulsifier
12 Ointment project ZG100 emulsifier
13 Ointment project ZG100 emulsifier
14 Ointment project YR350 emulsifier
15 Ointment project ZRH350 emulsifier
16 Ointment project
ZRH350 emulsifier
ZRH700 emulsifier
17 Ointment project
ZRH350 emulsifier
ZRH600 emulsifier
18 Ointment project
ZRH350 emulsifier
ZRH800 emulsifier
ZRH350 emulsifier
ZRH800 emulsifier
19 Ointment-production project ZG700 Paste-making machine complete equipment line
20 Yield expansion project ZG700 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
21 Expansion and adding of new projects ZG1500 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
22 New items ZG1300 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
23 New items ZG1300 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
24 New items ZG700 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
25 Ointment-production project ZG1300 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
26 Exporting items 3 sets of ZG1300 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
27 New items 2 sets of ZG1300 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
28 New items 2 sets of ZG700 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
29 New items ZG1300 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
30 New items ZG1300 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
31 New items ZG700 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
32 Ointment-production increasing project 2 sets of ZG1500 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
33 Ointment-production capacity increasing project 4 sets of ZG1300 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
34 Ointment-production project ZG700 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
35 Added ointment-production projects 2 sets of ZG1300 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
36 Added ointment-production projects ZG700 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
37 Added ointment-production projects ZG700 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
38 Added ointment-production projects ZG700 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine
39 Added ointment-production projects ZG700 Vacuum emulsification paste-making machine

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